Friday, February 20, 2009

Jefferson and Jackson


Jefferson’s political victory was rooted in Adams’ political failures.

Adams broke with Federalists by his break with Hamilton. Hamiltonians later sided with Burr in 1800 Presidential election.

Jefferson sought to build a new consensus based on the new Democratic-Republican Party.

Strategic in filling vacancies.

Unlimited success with Congress.

Mixed success with the Courts

Repeal of 1801 Judiciary Act (Court did not overturn in Stuart v Laird)

Marbury v Madison

- Upheld Marbury’s claim to office while upholding the authority to judge constitutionality of legislation.

Legislative achievements:

Remade the Defense establishment, while raising the tariff

Passage of 12th Amendment in 1804

Did not submit Secretary of State Monroe’s treaty with the British to the Senate.

Instead, took the policy of a trade embargo.

Skowronek argues that checks and balances did not work during this period because other institutions such as Congress and the Courts were still asserting their identities. How valid is this argument? Would Jefferson have endured more scrutiny and resistance in other eras?


Jackson’s 1828 election was pretexed in his 1824 defeat.

Jackson built a political coalition that was wrought with inconsistencies.

-Opposed Nullification AND a strong National Government

-Ran against institutions while supporting more of a citizen’s role in public administration

Jackson also endured much more political opposition than Jefferson.

Recommended a constitutional amendment removing the House from deciding Presidential elections and limiting the President to 1 term.

Jackson’s administration is mostly defined by his break with Calhoun and fights over the Bank.

Calhoun vs Van Buren rivalry over succession

Disagreement over tariff

Senate rejected many of his appointments

House voted satisfaction with the bank.

House and Senate attempted to renew the charter.

Jackson by vetoing the legislation and moving deposits to state banks.

Senate responded by censuring the President

1832 was a significant year in the development of Democratic and Whig parties

Democrats running for office took President’s position on the Bank

In 1832, South Carolina nullified the 1828 and 1832 tariffs. Jackson responded by proposing to send troops to SC for enforcement. This was known as the Force Bill.

Tariff and Force bill split all political coalitions

Calhoun-Clay alliance over Tariff and Force Bill

Lower tariff was negotiated (Clay compromise) for opposition dropped to the Force Bill (Calhoun compromise)

President tried to claim victory by signing the Force Bill first

Jackson’s greatest achievement is the modern party and administration. This is clearly described by Morone.

Morone looks at Jacksonian Democracy as a response to economic changes, immigration, and pressures caused by the Indian removal and slavery issues. In a way, Morone makes a better argument for Jackson being a reconstructive President.

Compare and contrast Jefferson’s and Jackson’s Presidencies. Why was Jefferson more successful in asserting Presidential authority? Why was Jackson more successful in remaking the political order?

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