Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Essay Questions

Answer 2 of the following (25 points each):

1. Discuss one of Sundquist’s proposals for institutional reform. What difference would these reforms make for the legitimacy and/or effectiveness of government? Would the reforms make things better or worse? You should consider the possible effects of the reforms and discuss whether they would be beneficial, harmful, or neutral.

2. Why did the New Deal programs take the shape they did? Why did Roosevelt and the Congress settle on the particular programs they did? For example, why did Social Security take the particular form it did?”

3. Assess the political process model used by McAdam to explain the successes and failures of the women’s and gay rights movements. Does this model do a good job of explaining the rise and fall of these movements?”

4. What factors facilitated the rise of modern conservatism? What was the role of intellectuals, grassroots actors, and politicians in the development of the conservative movement beginning in the Cold War era?

5. Assess the resource mobilization and political process models as they apply to the Christian Right movement.

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