Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Political Process Model

cognitive mobilization - stresses the shared sense of grievances among group members. This point also argues that group members have a sense of efficacy that collective action will be effective achieving the group’s goals

The Wagner Act also known as the National Labor Relations Bill - provided the protection of unions against employer interference

American Conservative Union (ACU) and Young Americans for Freedom (YAF)
· emerged as the foundation for conservative organizing, fundraising, and communication
· leveraged financial networks from the Goldwater campaign and also forging alliances among conservative organizations

Free Society Association (FSA)- merged the functions of grassroots organizing and lobbying members of Congress. Their goals were informational, however they also sought to distinguish themselves from more extreme organizations

Americans for Conservative Action (ACA) formed for the purpose of being the conservative counterpart to the liberal Americans for Democratic Action. ACA provided a scorecard for members of Congress consisting of an index of members’ votes on important legislation for conservatives

The American Conservative Union (ACU) –
· establishing a policy think tank,
· a legislative exchange program
· center for journalism to train conservatives for leadership positions within national and state level political institutions

“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is not vice! And let me remind you that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”

Reagan platform –
· tax cuts
· decreased spending
· increased military spending to defeat communism
· elimination specific federal agencies
· privatization of existing social programs

Executive Order 12291 – required agencies to produce a cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment of every regulation (data came from industry)

During the Progressive Era, women’s organizations were able to find allies early on with Prohibition and Labor (ex American Association for Labor Legislation (AALL)

Bowers v Hardwick (1986) upheld sodomy law in Georgia
Overturned in Lawrence v Texas (2003)

lEngel vs Vitale (1962)
–Ruled public school sponsored prayer unconstitutional
–lAbington Township vs Schempp (1963)
–Ruled public school sponsored Bible reading unconstitutional
–lGriswold vs Connecticut (1965)
–Overturned Connecticut law banning contraception

–Eagle Forum (Phillys Schlafly)
–Moral Majority (Jerry Falwell)
–National Conservative Political Action Committee (Terry Dolan)
–Christian Coalition (Pat Robertson)

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